
Be part of supporting the "voice" of Family Enterprise.

Help Support Our Voice

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Family Enterprise Foundation is a Registered Charity.


Together, we are the voice of Canadian family enterprise – strong, united, influential. Together, we are thought-leaders in education, research and on issues that matter. Together, we are credible, capable of shaping policy and protecting the interests of our families and our enterprises. Support us in our efforts to:

• Pursue research and provide thought leadership on the impact of federal tax policy on the longevity of Canadian family enterprises with the goal of influencing public policy in a way that creates more positive outcomes for family enterprises.

• Develop comprehensive assessments and research tools with family businesses to undercover the specific topics and areas of greatest need, which enables us to respond to these needs in a targeted way.

Help Support Our Voice

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Family Enterprise Foundation is a Registered Charity.

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Tax receipts

Tax receipts are issued according to Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) guidelines. For inquiries about your tax receipt, please contact us:

Family Enterprise Foundation