The more success you have, the more you reinforce that. So if you’re young and you haven’t work experience under your belt, you can’t really measure the confidence you can have, and the efficacy, right? Self-efficacy is the other big piece there. And so the importance of giving them a context and opportunity where they can prove themselves to themselves without jumping to the other extremes of narcissism which is equally bad, but the idea of being more realistic on what I can do and what I can develop with my life. Being aware of, you need the rest of your life to grow, so age-appropriate is another piece. If you don’t have self-confidence and if you don’t have the emotional maturity, which doesn’t necessarily come with age, right, but the capabilities of developing that piece of your personality, that’s extremely important, because when you then handle your family situation, family and business situation, emotion cannot be an excuse. Like, stressful situation, that’s your context. You cannot use that as a reason why you flip, or you were poorly able to manage a situation. The point and the effort is to make and grow stronger adults who can handle any kind of situation.