Best thing for me about working in a family business is probably the fact that I get to hang out with my mom. Honestly, yeah, it’s super nice to be with her. I mean, when you’re younger, often you don’t want to see your parents, you want to be out with your friends, but I guess at this age, especially when you start realizing how much your parents have done for you, it’s really nice to be able to spend long periods of time with your parents and I mean, when we work together sometimes it will be for 8 hours in a row, and you know, just having inside jokes with your parents is something I find really cool, and you develop that when you work with them. Really the most valuable thing my parents taught me is to take everything you do seriously, always, I don’t want to sound cheesy, but always give your 100% and always be nice to people. Especially at our store, you have a lot of people that can be annoying that come to the window and they really taught us to be as nice as you can because like, you never know and like, nothing will go wrong if you’re just nice and that’s what they taught us, so my brother and I definitely try to keep that with everything we do. Yeah, I mean my parents have always provided everything for my brother and I, they always put us first, so I really don’t think there’s anything we could do for them, I really think it’s to do what they did for us for our kids and have them see that I think really that would make them happiest, so, that’s what we plan on doing.