You definitely see the case of individualization and the point is that in the past, family was responsible for healthcare, education, for childcare, for everything and now there are lots of state institutions, and private institutions taking care of that. You’re not anymore schooling your children at home, at least most people are not. You are not necessarily taking care of the sick, you are going to a hospital or to a doctor. And you’re also not taking care anymore of your parents anymore when they retire, but you hope that they have a pension plan in place, and maybe some money invested in a fund or something like that. So a lot of function that a family traditionally had for thousands of years are now being taken over by other institutions, so some people ask themselves what do I need family for? The truth is that family is still very relevant and helpful and important for many things, from having a family, which is very difficult if you don’t have at least a partner, to going through life and the crises of life, and what has happened is that there are just very, a lot of different options out there of what family could mean to you and so there’s a vast number of ways a family could function. Many businesses believe traditional forms of family matter, in terms of stability and continuity, because that’s also what they imagine for the business, and that’s fine and you can counter the trend that is out there that makes things less stable and more difficult to manage and I think there are 3 good ways to move ahead. The first one is ensure education of everybody in the family. People who get education meet a lot of other smart people, make better decisions in life, they are better off and when they are faced with a problem, they manage it much better. So that might be the first thing. The second thing to do is you have the business at hand, fantastic, that means you hopefully have resources and these resources can nurture the family. They can basically nurture activities to get together, to talk about the future, to use the family as a tool to advance the business and not just as a number of people who are getting dividends. And last, but not least, let’s just think about the relationship between the family and the business. It is not only that family’s evolving, constantly changing and adapting, the business is doing the same thing. And think about the interaction as some kind of a membrane where there are good effects from the business affecting the family, and the family affecting the business. But there also might be bad things. Family conflict shouldn’t spill over into the business, and issues in the business, like outdated products, shouldn’t really affect the family. So think about it that you can try to find ways where you can get the good exchanges and try to keep the bad things out.