I guess it would be your priority. So if, I don’t know, if you’re starting a relationship, a relationship is about two people, so if you’ve been as an individual, now you have to start thinking with someone else. So maybe at that point in time you have to start learning about the give and take, which maybe you wouldn’t have had to learn before. If you’re in a new industry, if your investing, for example, in the venture capital world, you have to understand, what do people look for in that world? And do you think this is an interesting model? Is it a model that will work? Or is it a model that you can maybe bring in some change and add some value that someone hasn’t thought about? But to be able to change something you have to understand it really well. So I would answer that question by saying, it depends. It depends at what point you are in your life, it depends what you’re looking at and what you’re trying to learn and what is it that Stephanie wants to become, who does she want to be? I had a woman once who said to me, ok, I’m all ready to learn and grow, what should I be learning and growing it. And I’m like, wow, I don’t know, who are you trying to be? Who do you want to be? What is success to you? It’s such a personal question to define what’s important for you. So that’s how I would answer that question. Where do you want to get? As Stephen Covey always said where do you want to end up? So start with the end in mind and work your way back. So what do you want people to say on your tombstone, and are you doing all of those things, and can you become better at those things, now start now.