At BFF we asked Margaret-Jean Mannix, Chairman of Loram 99 Corporation, to tell us why she loves to help other members of her family to define their dreams. Here’s her story:
I find that, in family business, people can lose themselves and lose sight of what’s meaningful for them and what’s valuable for them and try to fit other molds.
The healthiest family businesses are the ones that can integrate and build upon the dreams of individuals.
I have siblings who are in their 20’s, so a fair amount younger than me, different life stages, and we definitely have good conversations around their career plans and their hopes and dreams and desires. I hope that’s where I can also lend assistance from a mentorship perspective to really follow their dreams.
Key Takeaway:
Healthy family businesses can build on the dreams of individuals, they can tweak the direction of the enterprise in the direction of greater alignment between individuals and the firm. The whole point of being an owner is to make what you own be symbiotic with what you aspire to be, the life you want.
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